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Crystal Justice

Strategic Planning 101

Updated: Mar 15, 2019

Do you know where you will be when you get to where you are going?

While there is no guarantee in life, there is a way to line up your resources to reach your destination. Create a strategic plan--its like bringing the future to the present, you can have an impact today!

The first step to a successful plan is to identify the issues/areas that you would like to change. Then prioritize the issues by importance and start the planning with the most important areas. Now let's do a little dreaming...what changes would like to see happen? Quick write that down or store in your favorite notes app. Once you have identified where the issue is currently and where you would like it to be in the future--you can begin defining goals to get you to the desired destination.

"A goal is simply a statement about a future destination--so in planning it is essential to convert your goals into a set of measurable outcomes."

A goal is simply a statement about a future destination--so in planning it is essential to convert your goals into a set of measurable outcomes. Outcomes should describe the end result to be achieved, include numerical measurements (if possible), and/or set the target date for the achievement. Your outcomes are the tools that will help you decide if your actions are getting you closer to your overall goal.

Once you have defined your measurable outcome, the next step is to determine your strategic actions. Strategic actions are the individual tasks or specific activities that will be done to accomplish a desired result. With your actions in hand, it is time to start working the plan!

Last but not least, check back with your plan to see if you are still heading in the right direction. You may find that you accomplished your strategic action; however, it did not help you reach your outcome. Or maybe the goal needs to be adjusted? Be ready to look for a detour to get you back on route to where you are going.


Kolzow, David. A Strategic Approach To Economic Development.

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